5 Top Tips For Building Your First Website.

5 Top Tips For Building Your First Website.

Launching a business is a very exciting time, but there’s a huge amount to do and, as such, it can be tricky to know where to begin. But, once you’ve decided on your target market, your goods and services and your business name, the next step is to start establishing an online presence - and in order to do this, you’ll first need to build a website for your brand.

Firstly, think about what you want to communicate and how you want to say it. Writing your own content for the site initially is a good idea, even if you get a professional copywriter and design agency to polish it up afterwards, so that you know you’re going to get your brand message across immediately. There’s nothing worse than having someone put words in your mouth, after all!

Also make sure it’s very clear to your site visitors what exactly it is that you’re offering them, what exactly it is that you can do for them. It’s all about the benefits you can bring to potential customers - and shouting about this is sure to help drive revenue your way.

From there, think about the page hierarchy of your site. Take a look at your competitors - you’re sure to see that their sites are made up of several pages… usually a homepage, an about us page and a contact page, at the very least.

You want to have a suitable number of pages from an SEO perspective, so there are more opportunities for optimisation, but don’t go overboard unless you actually need to have scores of pages.

It can also be beneficial to think about the future and what your plans are for growth. A custom-built coded website could be better than a platform like Wix, for example, as it means you’re ripe and ready for expansion in the future.

Get in touch with Blink today to discuss bespoke web development in Hull and the East Yorkshire region.