What Is Sustainable Web Design?

What Is Sustainable Web Design?

Over the last few years, awareness of the impact of climate change has grown significantly. So much so that the majority of people are trying to be as sustainable as they can in most areas of their lives. However, when it comes to website design, how can you achieve sustainability?

The internet is a massive pollutant, consuming more electricity than the whole of the UK at 416.2TWh per year, according to Website Carbon. Despite this, there are ways to cut down on energy use and do your bit for the environment. 

The first step could be to avoid no-code website designs, as these come pre-packaged with an abundance of functions. However, this means it has lots of unnecessary code, wasting precious energy usage. 

Therefore, developing a tailored website specifically for your needs is far better, as you only need to include the coding required. 

It is also worth finding a content management system (CMS), which enables businesses to customise their website, that are as low-carbon as possible, recommends Forbes.

Website owners might want to switch to a hosting company that relies on renewable energy instead of fossil fuels; remove excess characters to code, which will also improve the speed of the site; and only enable loading once the user has come to the bottom of the page to avoid unnecessarily loading. 

Large data, such as videos and images, also use a significant amount of power, so keep these as small as possible and limit visual content if needed.

If you need help with web design in Hull, get in touch with us today.