Why Your Buyer Persona Is The Key To Marketing

Why Your Buyer Persona Is The Key To Marketing

If you want your firm to be successful in whatever it does, one of the most critical steps you need to take is to understand people in your target market. By doing this, you will not only tailor your products and services to meet their needs and desires, but you can also focus your marketing by concentrating your message on highlighting just how you can give them what they are seeking.

Working with a digital marketing agency in Hull, you can start this process by developing what is known as a ‘buyer persona’. This is not an actual individual, but a semi-fictional characterisation of the person you want to sell to.

This should never be an ideal customer you draw up to fit your product, but a demographic based on real research to which your product and marketing will be orientated.

Elements of a buyer persona will include demographic factors like age, gender, social class, professions and education levels. It may also include their geographical location, their particular interests and values. In addition, very importantly, income and consumer habits are vital too. Most important of all is the channels by which you can reach them. 

All this enables you to focus your digital marketing in the right direction. For example, suppose you are developing a strong social media presence linked to your website. If your buyer persona reflects a market that is predominately young and male, the user demographics of Instagram would make it a good platform to target.   

However, it is also worth noting that these factors change. For instance, a few years ago, Instagram users were more likely to be female. Similarly, your persona itself can alter, as consumer tastes and public attitudes shift over time. An example of this is how food companies and restaurants have had to respond to a growing interest in vegetarianism and plant-based products.

By understanding your buyer persona and having a coherent and appealing marketing strategy, you will go a long way towards achieving your goals in the here and now. By being ready to adjust this as people’s tastes and best means of reaching them change, you will be able to go on doing so in the future.